

The title meaning is "Welcome" in finish.
I can't speak any finish.
But in according to Google Analytics,the number of access to our website from Finland has been increasing.
So I'd like to say you,finish people ,"Kiitos paljon!"
Our a couple of finish guests who have stayed in last autumn,who come to stay here again.
The couple, a Japanese wife and a finish husband.
That moment,she was pregnant. So We can see her baby in this time.
So really looking forward to see them.



<The art gallery "TEKI-AN" on the main floor in Chiyoda Inn>
"The magic hours" makes beautiful color with the round window and the Japanese paper shade lamp. 

Hyvaa yota!
Nahdaan myohemmin!

1 comment:

  1. I am from Finland and I'm coming to Chiyoda Inn soon :)

    I am really looking forward to it.
